Amethyst Yoga and

Healing with Kaye Oakley

Reboot your life ~ Live on purpose with holistic wellness coaching



There are times when you know you need to a change. Whether it’s getting fitter, changing body weight, eating more healthfully or trying to live in a more balanced way. And there are plenty of diet and exercise plans out there to help you do just that.
But many of them have a “one-size-fits-all”, “cookie-cutter” approach – and what if that just doesn’t work for you?
And let’s face it – often we already know what we need to be doing, we just haven’t been able to do it on our own. 
With holistic wellness coaching, YOU are in the driver’s seat all the way. You get to work out what’s important to you, what really matters, what you truly want to change. And most importantly, you get to connect with WHY you want to change. 
Why does that matter? Because it’s knowing WHY you want to make changes that will actually help you put in place the day-to-day actions that will help you get where you want to go. Knowing your WHY will help you get up when the alarm goes off to do your yoga practice rather than hit the snooze button. Knowing your WHY will help you put in the time and effort it takes to make sure you truly nourish yourself rather than pick up whatever junk food is quick and available. 
An holistic wellness coach will also help you get in touch with all of you – not just focus on how you move and what you eat. So it’s not about encouraging you to eat more salad, but to look at how you are feeding your spirit? How are you nourishing your mind and heart? How are you sustaining the relationships that are important to you?
Holistic wellness coaching creates an unconditionally supportive playground where you can explore what really matters and work towards finding a way to reach your goals which works with your lifestyle and your values. It’s a playground where nonjudgmental accountability helps you to get where you want to go without feeling guilty or ashamed if you don’t follow some specific set of rigid instructions that week. 
At Amethyst Yoga and Healing, our holistic wellness coaching incorporates tools from positive psychology as well as yoga and meditation to help you really get in touch with what matters, and chart your own course to get there. Holistic wellness coaching can be combined with movement and/or energy healing sessions so you can really nurture yourself into the changes you want to make. 
Are you ready to reboot your life and live on purpose?
Photo by the Bialons on Unsplash


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