Healing with Kaye Oakley
If you love crystals and are drawn to them energetically, using them to support yourself to help make your dreams a reality is a no-brainer. I believe that the different qualities of the stones can really support us with our goals, and give us a bit of an energetic kick in the right direction.
But even if you don’t believe in crystals (and I won’t pretend it’s remotely scientific to do so), having a pretty stone nearby that reminds you of your goals and helps you to feel less alone in accomplishing them can only be a good thing.
So I thought that I’d put together a list of stones that I think can help you with that. For the most part, this list is a more general list of stones that I believe are useful for manifestation. For those of you who want something a bit more tailored, please check out my free e-book “Crystallise your Intentions”, which is available here: https://www.amethystyogaandhealing.com.au/crystallise-your-intentions
If you google “crystals for manifestation” you will end up with a LOT of answers! So this is purely my take on stones that I think are great for this, and why. Some of the stones I’ve chosen aren’t specifically for manifestation, but for supporting the inner work that needs to be done to make it happen.
I hope you find it helpful!
The stones I’ve chosen are:
I’ve started with moonstone because this stone is associated with romance, intuition, divine feminine, empathy and dreaming. I see moonstone as a stone that can help you dream new dreams, and bring new beginnings into your life.
Moonstone has been used to help develop clairvoyance (or clair-anything, really) and psychic abilities. It can help to balance masculine and feminine energies, but to ensure that the divine feminine is not neglected or forgotten.
It can help to calm emotional instability and to stabilise emotions when they are out of whack. It can help us to remember empathy and to look at things from the perspective of emotional intelligence, rather than purely from reason.
Moonstone is a great stone for manifestation because it helps us to dream the dreams of our hearts, and to make plans from a place of intuition and insight for the greater good rather than just what our rational minds want to impose on reality.
Is there anything that amethyst can’t help you with? I don’t think so!
Amethyst is another stone for insight, intuition and calm. It has also been used since ancient times as a stone of protection and healing at all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
It can help us to feel a sense of calm in times of stress and help us connect to our inner resources. With its calming and soothing qualities, many of us place it under our pillow to help have a calm sleep and pleasant dreams. Banded amethyst, chevron amethyst or Thunder Bay amethyst in Canada also include white quartz – so this form of amethyst can be even more grounding, and is great for placing under your pillow too (I’ve given banded amethyst hearts to a few clients and friends for just this purpose).
It is a fantastic stone for meditation, intuition, and connecting to higher intention and spirit. If you use it this way, I suggest that you cleanse and charge it often so it’s at its best.
So while amethyst might not be all about getting what you want – it can help you to see clearly WHAT you actually want, and to help you stay calm while you pursue it.
Fluorite is a stone for when we need to bring order to chaos and clarity to confusion.
It is a stone for stabilisation and protection, and can assist with clearing stress. It works at the level of mind, body and spirit to bring order to anything that is disorganised within us – helping us to align with divine order. This can help us to get clear about what we want to bring into the world, and also see clearly how we might make that happen.
It is said to assist intuition, spiritual awakening, and the communication of spiritual insight to the earthly plane – with a helpful dose of common sense thrown in. In particular the clear version of fluorite is said to help us see clearly what is in the way of our next phase of evolution, while the yellow version can help us to harmonise our energy to bring our dreams into physical reality.
This is a very powerful stone! As it is also believed to defend us from negativity – from psychic manipulation to electromagnetic pollution – it’s a good idea to cleanse and charge it often if you are using it.
Unakite is a great stone for integrating insight, moving on from the past and gently releasing blockages that are getting in the way of our growth.
It goes to the root cause of an issue, bringing it to the surface for healing and transformation.
It’s also said to be great for business partnerships and all of our relationships, healing and balancing the heart and mind.
It may not be the sparkliest, prettiest or shiniest of stones, but it’s a beautiful grounding, nurturing and healing stone. For manifestation, I feel like it’s a useful stone for supporting us to clear out some of the gunk that’s in the way of us moving in the direction of our dreams.
In crystal healing, clear quartz is known as the only truly programmable crystal. While we can certainly set intentions with any stone, with clear quartz, we can actually use our intention to program the stone to support us in certain ways.
It is known as the Master Healer in crystal healing. Although it is associated with the higher energy centres, it can be used to support all chakras and is said to bring balance and healing to all systems of the body. Containing all colours, it works on all levels to bring harmony, balance, stimulation when we are dull and calming when we are frazzled.
If you’re going to use clear quartz to support you with a goal, I recommend cleansing and charging it first. Then sit with it in meditation, and check inside to see that your intentions are right for you right now, and that the stone is in alignment with them. Then ask the stone to support you to reach that goal. Imagine that goal having come to fruition – what would it look like? How would it feel? The more detail, the better!
Once you’ve done that, make sure that you connect with that crystal frequently until that dream comes true (or you decide on a better dream). You might like to keep it by your computer if it’s work-related goal, or meditate with it every day.
It’s important to NOT cleanse or charge this crystal until it’s done its job, or you decide that the original goal doesn’t matter.
Throughout history, gorgeous garnet has been used as a protective talisman for warriors; a stone of enlightenment for spiritual seekers; and as an ornament for those drawn to its warmth and beauty.
It is a stone of willpower, courage and adaptation to change.
I like to think of it as a stone that doesn’t just help me tolerate change – but eat it for breakfast!!
It’s a great stone to light a fire under you, to help you to connect to your passion and move in the direction of your dreams with courage and determination.
Citrine is another of those stones that is pretty much always useful. If you feel like you need a bit of hope, sunshine and courage, then citrine may be able to help.
So if your dream scares you a bit, then you might like to use citrine to fortify yourself and to remind yourself of possibility and positivity.
It’s a great stone to have around in uncertain times when you feel like you need a bit more light. Some believe that it’s a stone that never loses its charge – so for me, citrine is a light that never goes out.
Blue kyanite is pretty extraordinary looking stuff, as you can see from the image. It is made up of layers of thin, flat blades which can look like a fan or the leaves of a book. It can come in a variety of shades of blue including translucent (kyanite also comes in other colours too – black kyanite is very cool stuff and can look like a witch’s broom!).
Like other blue stones it works well with the throat chakra to support communication, supporting us to not only speak our truth, but to speak it in a way that can be clearly understood.
So if your goal involves speaking up, speaking out, or just communicating more clearly, blue kyanite could be a useful stone to have around.
It is also a great stone to support perseverance and mental stamina. It is a high vibration stone that is good for meditation and connecting to spirit, while also keeping us balanced and able to keep our feet on the ground moving forward.
Lodolite is clear quartz with a bit of a kick from lots of lovely inclusions such as hematite, feldspar, chlorite and other minerals. So the inclusions can be in all kinds of colours – red, green, blue, brown, white, red … basically it’s a garden of possibilities.
The stone has all the healing qualities of the Master Healer clear quartz, with the properties of whatever the inclusions are – with the clear quartz giving those properties extra oomph. As a general rule, it’s a great stone to support spiritual growth, harmony, healing and evolution.
It is seen as a powerful manifestation crystal, but with a gentle, calming energy (which is a good combination if you’ve a tendency to overdo getting into your goals!). It can be programmed as per the instructions for clear quartz.
Blue apatite is a pretty unassuming sort of stone, but I find that it can be really powerful and supportive.
Apatite comes in a bunch of different colours, but I’m drawn back to the blue stuff again and again. It is said to help us connect with higher guidance, and can be a connector of the spiritual plane to the physical plane, helping us to manifest our higher purposes.
A stone to help inspire service to humanity, it can help us to hear and speak the truth of the heart.
It’s said to be supportive if you’re hoping to balance your metabolism or eat more healthfully. (Yellow apatite apparently is even better for this, but it’s harder to get and more expensive).
I love using blue apatite to connect with spirit and higher intention, and to help me bring that into the world.
Who doesn’t love a bit of rose quartz? This stone is all about the LURVE.
It’s pretty well known as a crystal that helps us bring that special someone into your life. I myself have had NO success with that whatsoever, but I’ve also had VERY LITTLE interest in trying, so that’s hardly indicative 😉
But if that’s your jam this year, then I’ve been told that getting a piece of it and placing it under your pillow can help to draw the right person to you.
I will be honest – I tried it once years ago and I ended up replacing the rose quartz under my pillow with black obsidian IN MY SLEEP. So I felt that this probably wasn’t for me. And I had really, really crazy dreams (which was a pretty interesting result, actually).
Give it a go and let me know how it turns out!
Aventurine is well known as a stone of positivity and prosperity, especially the green stuff. It’s a great stone for business people! Putting some in your cash tin is said to help attract more money your way 😊
But it’s not just about growing your bank balance. Green aventurine is also a great stone for personal growth. It helps us to learn about ourselves and our place in the universe, and even to help us to open up to love (even if we’ve defended ourself against it until late in life).
Green aventurine is also known as a stone of comfort for the heart and heart chakra. It helps our hearts to heal, to return to balance and harmony, and to help us to see the opportunities presented in even difficult situations (particularly those brought to us by other people).
So if abundance is part of your intentions for this year – but from a place of wholeheartedness – green aventurine might be a good stone to bring into your life.
Labradorite is a real favourite of crystal healing practitioners – and crystal lovers everywhere. It can be so varied – from a sort of greyish lump to something with lots of colours, especially in the light. Most of us are familiar with the blue flash that shows up in the light – but that flash can also be green, purple, yellow or even pink. There’s even another form of labradorite which is predominantly yellow and white, although that is pretty rare.
I find it to be a great stone for grounding and protection, but most especially for meditation and insight. A lot of stones are one of those, but not the other, so labradorite is pretty special.
It’s a wonderful stone for supporting change and transformation. I’m always drawn to it when I know that I’m ready to make some changes, and I’d like a bit of energetic support to start to make some shifts. Wearing a labradorite pendant or having a labradorite palm stone nearby (in your pocket if you’ve got one) can be really supportive when you’re really ready to do something different and show up in the world in a new way.
It can help us to access spiritual wisdom but to ground it in our physical bodies (where we can actually use it in the world!). It’s also a great stone for helping us to face our fears and insecurities, and start to release the pain of the past (even in past lives, apparently).
Labradorite can bring the light of creative insight too, bringing intuitive wisdom together with an energised (but grounded) imagination. It can help us to get to the root of an issue, as well as see it in a new light.
It is a true bringer of light, and a helper for times of change.

I could have listed soooo many more, but I think I’ll stop there.
I hope you’ve found this list useful and that it gives you some inspiration!
May you connect with the dreams of your heart, and may you give yourself all the support you need to bring them into the world.