Amethyst Yoga and

Healing with Kaye Oakley

Lots of different crystal shapes and why they're all awesome

For if you've ever wondered what the different crystal shapes mean!

All the types of shapes described in this blog are below, but you can see examples of them in this gallery - hover over the image to find out what they are, and then scroll below the gallery to find out more!

If you go into a crystal shop or look online, you’ll notice that there’s not just oodles of crystals, but oodles of options for different types of crystal shapes too. Ultimately the most useful crystal for you is probably the one that’s calling to you at the time! But if you’re interested in using crystals for a specific purpose, it can be good to know what different shapes might be able to do for you.  This collection is not remotely exhaustive - but it is intended as a useful start!



Some crystals naturally occur in a pyramid shape (such as apophyllite) but most of the pyramid crystals that you’ll see have been artificially-shaped. In either case, pyramids are lovely because they amplify and focus the energy of the crystal. Pyramids are believed to be particularly good at drawing off negative energies and helping with energy blockages. I keep a shungite pyramid next to my bed to draw off any nasties and to make up for the fact that I insist on reading books on my phone in bed before I go to sleep!


Double Terminators

Double terminated crystals can also be naturally occurring (particularly for clear quartz or Herkimer diamonds) or artificially-shaped. They’re particularly useful in crystal healing to act as kind of a bridge between two stones, helping energies move. Due to their shape, they are drawing in energy and sending it out at the same time – so if you come to a crystal healing session, you’ll see me using them A LOT! I find that even if I just use double terminators on their own, they just seem to be a bit more supercharged than other shapes. I’m a big fan! 



Crystal towers focus energy in a single direction to amplify intention and intensify energy flow. These may also be called generators, but this refers to towers which have six equal sides culminating in a single point. 


Towers are really useful in crystal healing layouts or to help with space clearing. And they look really cool.


Spheres (or balls)

Spheres or balls are almost always shaped from larger crystals. As well as being beautiful to look at, they’re excellent at radiating the stone’s healing energy in all directions. 


Traditionally, crystal balls have been used in scrying too. I’ve no experience with that, but obviously there’s a long history of them being used in this way.


Another lovely way to use a crystal sphere is as a massage tool – much nicer than a spiky ball, although it’s best done gently and with a bit of caution. 

Tumbled stones

Tumbled stones are probably the most affordable of all the crystal types, as they can be quite small and lumpy. 


Tumbled stones are a great way to get to know a crystal or to build up your collection. Although we might love the big, amazing clusters or shapes, energetically size doesn’t matter (really). Each crystal has its own energy and personality and is fun to get to know for its own self.


The only trouble with tumbled stones is that because they’re round, they can be hard to place on your body (or during a crystal healing session). They tend to fall all over the place. But for grids, meditation, to keep in your pocket handbag or bra, or if you’re lying very, very still – they’re a great option. 



A cluster is a natural crystal formation where many points are embedded into a solid base. These can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, from tiny little things to entire caves. Due to the nature of their shape, clusters are able to radiate their beautiful energy to the space around it; they can even absorb negative energies in a space. You can also use them to cleanse and charge other crystals. Some people think that clusters and geodes don’t need cleansing or charging, but I like to cleanse them and charge them with a moon bath from time to time. 



Geodes are also a natural formation. They are basically an outer form (sometimes they even look like a rock ball) but when they are opened you see all these lovely crystals inside, all pointing inwards.  They’re like a miniature crystal cave.  Like clusters, these are naturally high vibration forms. Due to their shape and the way that the crystals are essentially radiating energy at each other, they are continuously amplifying, diffusing and radiating energy – but in a way that is not overpowering. This makes them particularly useful for situations where you need ongoing support. These tend to be kind of expensive – I only have one of these! As for clusters, some people think that these kinds of formations do not require cleansing or charging, but I like to show mine a bit of moon bath love once in a while, especially if I feel like it’s been working hard. 



Crystal wands can be naturally-occuring long points or crystals that have been carved into a wand-like shape. Both have their own charm. 


If you’ve been to a crystal healing session with me, you’ll notice that I use three wands. One lemurian quartz wand, which I use to do the main work around each energy centre, another clear quartz wand to transmit energy to or away from the area where I’m working, and a third, natural selenite wand, which I use to create a selenite shield towards the end of the session to seal in all the goodies and keep our all the nasties. 


So wands are really handy! They are great for transmitting energy in different directions – either towards or away from you, depending on where you are using it, how you are using it, and what your intention is. 


I also think they’re great for if you’re casting circles – say for magick or ritual, or just to create a sacred space. 



Crystal points can be natural (usually in the quartzes – clear quartz, citrine, amethyst, etc) or they can be carved into a pointed shape. They are little super chargers! We used them in crystal healing layouts or grids to charge up and amplify the energy of the stones they surround, and also to help to move energy in a particular direction. 



Pendulums are a crystal at the end of some kind of thread – whether that be a chain, cord, or rope. The crystal is usually shaped so that it is wider at the top and more narrow at the bottom – essentially like a giant tear shape. 


Pendulums aren’t for everyone, but some of us find them very useful indeed. Some crystal healing practitioners use them to feel into a client’s energy field – slowly waving the pendulum over their body to see if they receive any messages about their energy. I personally just use my hands for that, but some people fine pendulums give them very clear information.


What I really like to use a pendulum for is to try to access higher wisdom when making decisions. You can program a pendulum to tell you when the answer to a question is yes/no/wait/it’s not for you to know, etc based on its movement after you ask the question. I’ve got mine just programmed to yes/no to keep things simple, because life is complicated enough. 


Historically pendulums have been used in clocks, dowsing for water, and in many other ways. 


If you would like to use a pendulum, you might also choose a stone that resonates with the kinds of purposes for which you might use it. I use an amethyst pendulum (as you can see in my profile picture) because I want to connect with higher knowing, with an intention of healing for myself, others and the world. 



Twin crystals - also called twin flames - is a crystal that has two terminations that have come from a single base. Sometimes it will look like two crystals that have kind of melded themselves together, and sometimes it will look like one has sprouted from the other (which is probably the case, over the centuries).


There is also another type of twin crystal - tantric twin. These are still two crystals that are joined together from the base but in this case they are both clearly from the same base (not like the one in the first picture, where it's branched) and they are close to being identical in length. These are very rare - the second picture has what I think is one, but some crystal healing practitioners might not think this qualifies as sufficiently identical.

 I'm also not really sure they should be called "tantric" anyway. (Tantra is an area of yogic philosophy with rich traditions in both Hinduism and Buddhism, and really isn't what we think it is for the most part in the west.)

Nomenclature aside, these crystals are pretty special.

Some believe that these stones can be especially supportive when you need harmony and are in "two minds", as it were.


They're a favourite for using either to help harmonise a relationship or call in a partner (or call back your twin flame). I'll admit that I gave this a crack once. It certainly didn't "call my twin flame back" but I'm pretty sure that it helped me to realise that the bloke probably wasn't worth my focus and it was time to pursue other adventures. So a great result :)


Palm Stones

There is something deeply comforting about palm stones. 


As the name suggests, these are crystals that are carved and polished into a shape which fits rather nicely into the palm of one’s hand. They’re also a pretty convenient size to place under your pillow (although you obviously need to be mindful about which stones you choose for that or you might not sleep!). They’re also often a good non-rolly choice to use on your body in a crystal healing layout (or I like to place them on my body during relaxation, sound healing or even savasana). 


But I think the best way to use palm stones is by simply holding them in your hand. If you find a crystal that really resonates with you or with an issue you’re facing, having a palm stone that you can simply hold for a while is a great way to both access its healing energy and to give yourself a tactile, tangible reminder of what you’re working to heal (and that you’re on the path to doing so). I have a few on my desk next to my computer to help with calmness, creativity and insight, firing up what needs to be fired up, and speaking my truth. And they’re also super pretty. 



Raw crystals – or even specimens with part of them left raw (i.e. not polished) can be amazing – or frankly, they can just look like a dull lump of rock. 


Some stones or forms of stones look fantastic in their natural format – the pyrrhotite in the picture is a fine example. This photo is also a lovely example of how nature isn’t quite as clear cut in how it expresses these energies.  We might think of different crystals as being different things, with different energetic qualities – but nature can habitually put certain types of stones together (you’ll often see azurite and malachite in the same specimen, or pyrrhotite with quartz as in the photo), and it can also surprise you, with odd combinations and permutations. 


Raw crystals tend to be better as pieces for a room or at key points in your home, with a specific job to do. Handling them can be problematic, as not being polished, particles can be rubbed away from the main specimen with handling – and some stones are toxic, so this can be dangerous. For the same reason, they’re also much easier to damage. 


So raw crystals are extraordinary, but need to be handled with a bit of care and awareness.

I hope you've found this useful!  What's your favourite crystal shape?


If you’re interested in crystals but not sure how to take care of them, check out my blog:


If you’d like to use crystals to support your higher intentions this year, I’ve written a free ebook to help you! Get your free copy here:

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